設施公告|因應康芮颱風來襲,本館部分設施於 10.31 (四) 暫停營業
因應康芮颱風來襲,寬SPA、指舞小春秋足體養生會館、走馬啡於 2024.10.31 (四) 暫停營業一天
本飯店配合政府環保政策,自2025年1月1日起,不再提供一次性備品 (包含:梳子、浴帽、牙刷、牙膏、刮鬍刀、棉花棒等)。 客房內備有毛巾及環保大瓶裝洗沐用品,以提供旅客舒適住宿品質並落實環保理念。 提醒您,入住時請自行攜帶以上相關用品,一起為環境盡一份心力! 入住期間如有備品需求,請洽6F櫃台服務人員詢問。 In compliance with the government’s environmental protection policy, our hotel will no longer provide single-use amenities (including combs, shower caps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, cotton swabs, etc.) starting from January 1, 2025. To ensure a comfortable stay while promoting eco-friendly practices, towels and large refillable bottles of toiletries will be provided in guest rooms. We kindly remind you to bring your own personal items to help contribute to environmental sustainability. If you require any amenities during your stay, please contact the front desk staff on the 6th floor for assistance.