
Hotel Royal Chiaohsi

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View Western Restaurant

View Western Restaurant

Named for the mystical I-Ching expression: cloud views from the skies, welcoming guests for joyful banquets. The phrase refers to an expression of natural beauty, whereguests can enjoy the vistas and cuisine amidst the expansive “View”. With raised windows, the Japanese designer Ito personally installed the gentle lighting, capturing soft seamless light streams on every table, ensuring our guests a pleasant dining ambience as they enjoy the fine cuisine. The floor to ceiling windows capture the





Open Hours

Breakfast:07 : 00 - 10 : 30
Lunch:11 : 30 - 14 : 00
Dinner 1:17 : 20 - 19 : 10
Dinner 2:19 : 30 - 21 : 20

Corkage charge: Red or White wine 600 per bottle & Whiskey 1000 per bottle


The Chef

The Chef : Kevin

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